CEnergy Documentation Committee
ENERGY DIRECTORYDirectory of information sources on energy
Distinción ccb – Consejo de Cooperación Bibliotecaria 2018
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Records found: 6 Total Pages: 1
1 A play for oil: the stories behind the discovery and development of oil and gas / Daley, Tim - 2018
2 AELEC Asociación de Empresas de Energía Eléctrica / AELEC Asociación de Empresas de Energía Eléctrica - 2018
3 Renewable Energies: Business Outlook 2050 / García Márquez, Fausto Pedro, ed. | Karyotakis, Alexander, ed. | Papaelias, Mayorkinos, ed. - 2018
4 Renewable energy in Europe 2018 - Recent growth and knock-on effects / Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) - 2018
5 Sustainable Energy Mix in Fragile Environments: Frameworks and Perspectives / Tyler, Mary-Ellen, ed. - 2018
6 The future of nuclear energy in a carbon-constrained World / Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - 2018
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