CComité de Documentación Energética
DIRECTORIO DE LA ENERGÍADirectorio de fuentes de información sobre energía
Distinción ccb – Consejo de Cooperación Bibliotecaria 2018
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Búsqueda sencilla: 
Registros encontrados: 25 Total Páginas: 2
1 ACER - Agency for the Cooperation of the Energy Regulators / ACER - Agency for the Cooperation of the Energy Regulators
2 ACER Gas Regional Initiative Status Review Reports / Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) - 2006-2016
3 ACER Market Monitoring Report: Annual Report on the Results of Monitoring the Internal Electricity and Gas Markets / Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) / Council of European Energy Regulator (CEER) - 2012-
4 Boletín de noticias de la Comisión de Industria, Investigación y Energía (ITRE) del Parlamento Europeo (ITRE Newsletter) / Parlamento Europeo - 2011-
5 CADMUS / European University Institute (EUI) - 1979 -
6 CEER - Council of European Energy Regulators (incluye ERGEG) / Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER); ERGEG - 1996-
7 CEER Newsletter / Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) - 2009-
8 Dirección General de Energia (DG ENER). Comisión Europea / Comisión Europea
9 Energy / Comisión Europea
10 Energy Law & Regulation in the European Union / Sweet & Maxwell - 1999-
11 Energy Union and Climate / Comisión Europea - 2015-
12 ENTSOG: The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas / ENTSOG
13 EU Energy Law Series / Edward Elgar Publishing - 2004-
14 European Energy & Climate Journal / Edward Elgar Publishing - 2011-
15 European Energy Studies / Edward Elgar Publishing - 2012-
16 European Networks Law and Regulation Quarterly (ENLR) / Lexxion - 2013-2016
17 Foro de Madrid = Madrid Forum. European Gas Regulatory Forum / Foro de Madrid. Comisión Europea - Reuníon anual desde 2005
18 Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) / Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE)
19 Iniciativas regionales / Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER); ERGEG - 2006-
20 International Gas Report / Platts - 1995-2016
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